The protection of your privacy is an important concern to us.

Any personal information which you provide to us via this website will be used only to enable us to communicate with you, and we will only collect your contact details if you expressly provide them for that purpose.  If you have done so but wish us not to contact you, please email us at or write to us at:

BasePower Ltd
Build Studios                     
203 Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7FR

BasePower will process personal information in accordance with the relevant laws for data protection. We use appropriate technical and organisational security measures in order to protect the data we have under our control against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or against access by unauthorised persons.

You are entitled to access any information that is held about you. To obtain a copy of this information, please contact us at If you inform us that any information we are holding about you is incorrect, we will promptly correct it.

We may store information about you using cookies, small text files received and stored by your browser that enable a website to send individualised information to your browser. A cookie does not hold any personal information, it is not a program and it cannot contain a virus.  You can remove cookies at any point using your website browser settings - check in your browser’s ‘help’ section for guidance.

Our website includes links to other websites, such as Twitter and YouTube, which also use cookies and whose content is not under our control. Google Analytics use cookies to gather statistics relating to our website, such as the number and date of visits, and how users find their way here. BasePower is not responsible for the content and use of cookies by third-party websites. 

The table below shows the cookies that are used on this site:

Cookie name

Managed by





These cookies are used by Squarespace, the software which runs our website, to identify you as a unique user, how you came to visit our website, which pages or windows you visited and how long you spent on each page. For more information refer to the Squarespace Cookie Policy.

2 years


2 years


30 minutes


2 years


30 minutes



These cookies store your preferences and other information, in particular preferred language, how many search results you wish to be shown on your page, and whether or not you wish to have Google’s SafeSearch filter turned on. They measure your bandwidth to determine whether you get the new player interface or the old. They are set on pages with embedded YouTube video. For more information refer to privacy policy at YouTube.

6 months


8 months


End of session



Security cookie to protect users data from unauthorised access. For more information refer to privacy policy at Google.

3 months



This cookie is used for re-targeting, optimisation, reporting and attribution of online adverts. For more information refer to privacy policy at Google.

1 year





This works with JSESSIONID to prevent cross-site request forgery. For more information refer to the Squarespace Cookie Policy.
